
Re: rules regarding Administrative changes

For posting to srh

On 5 Apr 1996 04:49:47 GMT, Ajay Shah
<ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> wrote in soc.religion.hindu:

>Dear SRH Readers,
>Vivekji's question regarding "what constitutes consensus" has been 
>answered adequately on this forum and privately.  There is, in my 
>opinion, at this time no further need to codify the Administrivia 
>procedures on this newsgroup.
>Briefly, the procedure is as follows.  
>Anyone can suggest improvement in the functioning of the newsgroup. 
>If it seems aggreeable to a reasonable no. of people  we implement the 
>This, in my opinion, reflects a very open nature of moderation.

What is the definition of "a reasonable no. of people" and how is it
determined that "a reasonable no. of people" find it agreeable ?

PS   A reasonable no. of people find it agreeable that I will be
President of the United States, so the election on November 5th has
been called off.

