
Re: Cobra Charming Origins

In article <4jqs96$gbv@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Berlant@dynanet.com writes:
>I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about theories of the origin 
>and/or religious(?) significance of cobra charming.
>My thanks in advance.
>Stephen R. Berlant 

Here is one relation between cobra charming and religion I am aware of :

The kundalini shakti (translated as "coiled up power") is often symbolised
as a cobra/serpent in Yogic literature. This shakti is dormant/coiled up at 
the base of the spine in an individual. Through practice of various yogic
disciples (karma , bhakti,jnana, & dhyana) one can stir up this 
dormant shakti and make it rise through the spine.  When this shakti 
finally pierces the ajna chakra one is believed to attain "englightenment".

This stirring up of the shakti and playing with it is similar to stirring 
up of a Cobra which is sleeping and hence is described as such.

Hope that helps

ps: the above is based on my limited knowledge and is intended to serve
     as  a pointer for further research to the gentleman who asked it.
     While corrections/more ideas on the subject are welcome, please direct
     unwarranted  flames/criticisims to /dev/null