
Re: Sampradaya in Advaita (was Re: Problems in Advaita)

Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> writes:

>If this kind of speculation existed in the waking state it would be called
>(some kind of ) schizophrenia. I did not know that a counterpart existed in
>dreams, possible though. In any case there are not just 3 states: waking,
>dreaming and deep sleep. If someone takes for ex. LSD and hallucinates, is it a
>dream or waking state? I know someone who took some marijuana and felt that I
>was in a separate globe and he was in another globe! He seemed very much awake.
>What can you say?

        Well, let us refer to MaNDUkya karika 1.1 which while discussing
the dream state calls it the taijasa {antaHpraaGYastu taijasaH}. Isayeva
commenting on the sloka says 'The internal objects are produced by
consciousness itself in the form of mental images, memories and dreams.
This sage also embraces all fantastic, delusive perceptions that cannot be
verified or checked by ordinary experience.' Therefore, in my opinion, he
was dreaming though he seemed awake. Of course, the key criteria is to 
determine 'WHO was dreaming ? WHO is awake ? WHO is resident in deep sleep.'
