
Re: Sampradaya in Advaita (was Re: Problems in Advaita)

Why should sampradayas originating from Shankara be the only one valid ?
Shankara definitely was not the first person to speak on the non-dual
philosophy. Take for instance, the sampradaya of Dattatreya, who also
expounded non-dual philosophy. The Navnath sampradaya traces his origin
to Him. A recent guru of this tradition, Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
who was a contemparary of Ramana Maharshi, spoke very highly of Ramana.
        Even Ramana himself says that what he preaches is not Shankara's
philosophy, but philosophy based on his own experience. This experience
just matches that of Shankara [Talks with Ramana].
        Suppose I mix two chemicals A,B to obtain a certain amount of
chemical C and another person also gets the same results. This does not
mean me and the other person studied under the same person or that we
even knew each other.
        Certainly, a guru and His grace helps a sadhaka, but to rule out
the possibility that some one who does not have a physical guru can not be
self-realized is foolish. This would rule out most of the saints mentioned
in periyapurana, for example, whose only qualification was undying bhakti
and sharanagati to Lord Shiva.
        Finally, what about the disciples of disciples of Ramana Maharishi ?
Are they sampradayic ? There are atleast a couple of disciples of Ramana
Maharshi who are self-realized, atleast one of them teaches actively in
