
Re: who is Abhinava Gupta?

>Gopal asks:
>> thanks.
>> i will try to locate this book. meanwhile can you confirm if he is
>> the same person who wrote  an elaborate commentary on Naatya sasthra
>> of bharatha muni? [i  do not know the name  of his commentary]

        Yes, very much so. Abhinavagupta has contributed extensively
to the field of aesthetics and his important works include
Locana, and his commentary on Dhvanyaaloka.  Both of these works has
been translated and presented wonderfully by Ingalls, Masson and
Patwardhan. The other commendable work is titled The aesthetic experience
according to Abhinavagupta.by Gnoli (or Ganoli).
        The commentary on Natyasastra of Bharata Muni is extensive and is
titled abhinavabharati. Among his numerous contributions, his analysis of 
rasa is very appealing and distinguishable from other interpretations. For
example, Bharata talks about eight types of rasa, while distinguishing it
from sthaayibhaava. One of the conclusions one arrives at after reading     
abhinavabharati and Locana is that bhoga is produced not only by the senses
but also by the removal of moha (ignorance), and also that art and literature
are not just vinoda (entertainment) but also are influenced by the ananda
arising due to the knowledge of Brahman. 
