
Re: HSC's role on Women?!

1) In the Hindu religion the human is the soul (jiva atma). This is 
devoid of physical attributes and measure (in particular sex). 
Treated as jiva atma, women should logically enjoy the same status as 
men. It is equally likely for a man to be reborn as a woman as it is 
for a woman to be reborn a man.
2) The Hindu's purpose for life is to relinquish his self (ego) and 
self realization. A family life (with wife/husband and children) is helpful 
towards achievement of this goal because one cannot maintain a family 
with hedonistic and selfish desires but by being understanding and 
sacrificing for one's family. 
3) By the same token women have to go thru the same procedure that 
men go thru to obtain salvation (relinquishing the self). Service to 
the husband may earn his respect but does not do anything towards salvation 
(as commonly thought).
4) The paramatma (God) also being devoid of measure and attributes 
can also be ascribed feminine qualities:
i)  srimatha (divine mother)
ii) annapurani (Source of food)
ii) saraswati (Giver of all knowledge)
and a host of other names that can be found in Sankaracharyas 
"Lalitha Sahasranam". Consequently the Hindu religion 
actually holds women in high esteem. It does not subscribe to 
the western feminist agenda (anti family) but does not mean it 
is anti--woman.