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Methods Of Chanting Mantra

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Methods Of Chanting Mantra

1. KIRTAN is loud chanting congregationally so all who hear it may be benefited, even the lower living beings such as animals and plants. Kirtans are performed with drums and cymbals and in the case of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, the names of the Lord are chanted loudly while the participants dance in ecstasy. Anyone who has seen and heard the devotees of the Krishna Consciousness movement, or the "Hare Krishnas" chanting on the streets or in the temple has experienced a "kirtan".

It is considered the principal way of advancing on the path of "sadhana-bhakti", the process of bhakti-yoga. In the seventh canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated, "Those who are intelligent in this age of Kali will worship the Lord through the performance of sankirtana". Sankirtan is kirtan done by a group of people, generally outdoors, where all within hearing distance may be benefited by hearing the chanting of the holy names. Elsewhere there are scriptural references such as in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Purva-vibhaga 2.145, "Kirtanam is defined as loudly giving voice to the glories of the Lord, beginning with the names, pastimes and qualities of Krishna".

2. BHAJAN Melodious chanting or singing of mantras accompanied by musical instruments. Generally stringed instruments and percussion are used although wind instruments may also be played. When a group of devotees (spiritual aspirants) comes together to sing transcendental songs based on mantras glorifying the Supreme, they are engaged in bhajan.

3. JAPA Repetition of a mantra is called "japa". Repeating the mantra aloud is called "vaikari japa", whispered softly it is termed "upamsu japa", repeating it within the mind is called "manasika japa" (again from the root Sanskrit word for mind "man"). Writing the mantra repetitively by hand is "likhita japa". All of these forms are beneficial and effective but most effective (especially in the beginning) is chanting loud enough to yourself so you can hear the chanting. This is called in Sanskrit "sravanam" (hearing) and "kirtanam" (chanting).

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Published on: 2004-07-05 (6062 reads)

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