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Hindu Net > Mantra

The Meaning of Mantra

Mantras, being sacred sound vibrations, are composed of sacred syllables representative of and containing within great spiritual power, or energy.

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Bija (Seed) Mantras

Seeds hold within them the fruit of a full-grown tree, similarly bija, or seed, mantras hold within them shakti (spiritual potency or energy),

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Categories of Mantras

1. Shantikaran - These mantras are for curing disease and are also given by astrologers for warding off evil planetary influences (see planetary section).

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Purpose of Chanting

Chanting regularly with dedication and concentration will allow the development of devotion which will then bring the aspirant into harmony with the world around himself and the worlds within and without.

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Chanting Mantra

1. KIRTAN is loud chanting congregationally so all who hear it may be benefited, even the lower living beings such as animals and plants.

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Mantra Practice

Practice of mantra in meditation acts as a magnet for spiritual energy and gradually the higher self, seen as having been dormant or asleep, is awakened.

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This mantra is called "maha", the greatest mantra. It is the most powerful chanted mantra. If you only learn and regularly chant this 16 word mantra, it is sufficient for awakening the higher self to it´s true nature as spirit and will allow you to make spiritual advancement to the point of full self-realisation.

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Gayatri Mantra

This is actually only the first line of the full gayatri mantra which is chanted morning, noon and night by brahmins (priests) offering respects to the Supreme.

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Shiva Mantra

This mantra is to fulfil all desires and...

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Naryana Mantra

This mantra is extremely powerful for spiritual advancement and ...

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Vasudev Mantra

This mantra is offerening great respects to the "literary incarnation" of Vishnu, Vasudev,..

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Ganapati (Ganesha)

This mantra is always chanted first in all vedic sacrifices to remove any and...

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Hanuman Mantra

This mantra is to Lord Hanuman, the "monkey god",..

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Saraswati Mantra

This mantra is one of those known as "Devi mantras" ...

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Shanti Mantras

There are many mantras used for specific diseases or ailments such as the "ARUNA MANTRA" for eye disease "Om Arun Haem Phut Swaha".

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Published on: 2004-07-05 (17759 reads)

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