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Purpose Of Chanting

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Purpose Of Chanting

Chanting regularly with dedication and concentration will allow the development of devotion which will then bring the aspirant into harmony with the world around himself and the worlds within and without. It will bring peace and, if mantra is chanted with the sincere desire for self-realisation leading to God-realisation, then the aspirant will eventually come to stage of bliss and ecstasy in transcendence. This may seem like fantasy for those who are fully imprisioned within the illusion of material sense gratification but for those who have risen above such animalistic sense perception it is a transcendent and eternal reality.

In Srimad-Bhagavatam 12.3.51 it is stated, "What was attained in Satya-yuga through meditation, in Tretra-yuga through sacrifice and in Dvapara-yuga through Deity worship is realised in Kali-yuga through Hari-kirtana". (Hari is another name of God.) Remember that current lives last but short span of time. Whatever gained in life materially is left behind at the time of death, or transmigration of the soul but whatever is gained on a spiritual level is never lost but carried forward to the next incarnation.

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Published on: 2004-07-05 (5983 reads)

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