Airavat, the
king-god of elephants, is the mount of God Indra.
This elephant emerged out of the waters when ocean was churned by the Gods. That is why
the name is derived from Iravat, (one produced by water).
Elephant is the mount of each one of the eight guardian deities who preside over the eight
points of the compass. The deities presiding over the four cardinal and four intermediate
points of the compass are :
- East : Indra
- South-East : Agni
- South : Yama
- South West : Surya
- West : Varuna
- North West : Vayu
- North : Kuver
- North-East : Soma
Each of this deities has an elephant who takes part in the
defense and protection of the allocated quarter. The chief amongst them is Airavat of
Indra. He is also called Ardh-Matana (elephant of the clouds), Arkasodara (brother of the
sun), Naga-Malla (the fighting elephant). His wife is Abharamu. Airavat has four tusks,
and is white in color. |