With the departure
of Lord Krihsna (Krishna Avatar), the age
of Kali set in, in this age, the true devotion to vedas was replaced by empty
rituals. To enlighten the world in such times, Lord Vishnu descended the earth as Buddha, the
enlightened one. Lord Buddha was born to Mayadevi,
the wife of Sakya King Shuddhodana, in the Lumbini forest, and named
Buddha advocated the Middle Path, in which he offered a
balanced, harmonious way of life, steering between two extremes of self-indulgence and
total abstinence. Buddhism rests upon four Noble Truths:
- Suffering is universal,
- It is caused by desire and yearning
- Suffering can be prevented and overcome and
- Eradication of desires can lead to removal of suffering.
To prevent suffering one has to conquer craving and desire and
this conquest leads to the attainment of nirvana or complete enlightenment |