The Brhad-Aranyaka
Upanishad which is generally recognized to be the most important of the Upanishads
forms part of the Satapatha Brahmana. It consists of three Kandas or
sections, the Madhu Kanda which expounds the teachings of the basic identity of the
individual and the Universal Self, the Yajnavalkya or the Muni Kanda which
provides the philosophical justification of the teaching of Khila Kanda, which
deals with certain modes of worship and meditation, upasana, answering roughly to
the three stages of religious life, sravana, hearing the upadesha or the
teaching, manana, logical reflection, upapatti and nididhyasana or
contemplative meditation. Of the two recensions of
the Satapatha Brahmana, the Kanva and Madhyandina, Sankara follows
the former.
Source S. Radhakrishnan : The Principal Upanishads
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