The Aitareya
Upanishad belongs to the Rig Veda and the Upanishad proper consists of three
chapters. This is part of the part of the Aitareya Aranyaka, and the Upanishad
begins with the Fourth chapter of the second Aranyaka, and comprises Chapter IV, V
and VI. The preceding parts deal with sacrificial ceremonies like mahavrata and
their interpretations. It is the purpose of this
Upanishad to lead the mind of the sacrificer away from the outer ceremonial to its inner
meaning. All true sacrifice is inward. Sankara points out that there are three classes of
men who wish to acquire wisdom. The highest consists of those who have turned away from
the world, whose minds are free and collected, who are eager for freedom. For these the
Upanishad (Aitareya Aranyaka II. 4-6) is intended. There are others who wish to
become free gradually by attaining to the world of Hiranya-garbha. For them the
knowledge and worship of the prana, life-breath is intended. (Aitareya Aranyaka II
1-3). There are still others who care only for worldly possessions. For them the
meditative worship of Samhita is intended. (Aitareya Aranyaka III).
Source S. Radhakrishnan : The Principal Upanishads
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