
Re: QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johnyoga (johnyoga@aol.com) wrote:

: If everyone would meditate on the formless, then we would not need Krsna,
: Jesus, etc. But I believe if this was so, we would not even be on this
: level of existence.

Dear Sri Johnyoga:

Thank you for sharing your observations.  I thought that the 
verses in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita puts this issue a little 
differently.  What you have essentially said is, aksharopAsanA is 
superior to worshipping God as Sri Krishna.  Sri Krishna says, whether a 
person worships the akshara purusha by doing painful yoga or, surrender 
everything to Him, manmanA, madyAji, madbhakta, matpara.., he/she will 
recieve Him (te prApnuvanti mAmeva. 12.4).  Sri Krishna says that both 
forms of worship are equal, one is not better than the other.  

ye tvaksharamanirddeshyaM avyaktaM paryupAsate
sarvatragamachintyancha kutasthalaM achalaM dhruvaM. 12.3

saMniyamyendriyagrAmaM sarvatra samabuddhayaH
te prApnuvanti mAmeva sarvabutahite ratAH.  12.4

avyaktA hi gatirduHkhaM dehadbhirvApyate. 12.5

ye tu sarvANi karmANI mayi saMnyasya mat.h parAH
ananyenaiva yogena maM dhyAyanta upasate. 12.6

The only difference, He says, is that aksharopAsakas, will have more pain.

With best regards,
