
Re: Problems in Advaita

Hari Krishna Susarla (susarla.krishna@studentserver1.swmed.edu) wrote:
: First of all, I would like to point out that my initial objections were 
: actually directed to Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian. Since he proclaimed my 
: ignorance of advaita philosophy, I requested him to answer my questions and 
: clarify my doubts. Since he has been unable to do so, it seems that the fact 
: is that he is the ignorant one. This is pretty humorous considering that he 
: seemed so otherwise confident in his understanding of advaita vedanta. 

Could we restrain from personal allegations as our aim 
is to learn from each other. If I know what Advaita is all
about, I would not have been spending time on this net to
discuss it in the way I am doing now. It may be better if we 
accept that we know something about it, but our understanding
is incomplete.

: >     *** By the way. You did not answer my question. Define god and
: >   religion in scientific terms. Please say that you dont have an
: >   answer if you dont have one because I have answers for these(scientific
: >   answers sir, purely scientific!!!)
: I could answer by citing Bhagavad-Gita, which is the Supreme science spoken by 
: the Lord Himself. But, I am guessing that you probably won't care for it. 

If you like to quote Bhagavat Gita as the proof of the existence
of God b'se it was spoken by God, you are pre-supposing that God
exists. But, the question is how to prove that God exists?

: >Then that kind of philosophy is not Absolute. Absolute Truth means that it
: >is the same for everyone. So either the world is real, or it is not. No
: >points for trying to compromise just to be politically correct :)
: >    **** Then why differences like guru and sishya

Let us say you have 10 different pots made in 10 distinct
designs, but all are made of from the same heap of clay 
by the same man. We know for sure that apparently 
they look different, each pot has its own distinct appearence.
Now, the truth is that they are all clay, if you break them
to clay form, they all look alike, no difference at all, it
becomes nothing but clay, its root form, this is the
absolute truth, the pot is nothing but the clay itself, 
but apparently they looked different, this you may call
it as transitory reality or illusion or relative world
or whatever you like. 

: actual understanding of the Absolute Truth than advaita.
: >        Advaita is absolute in the sense that the world is real for
: >  people who have not REALISED that it is an ILLUSION.
: So, what you are saying now is that the world is ultimately an illusion. 
: Presumably, the perception by REALISED persons would be correct, from an 
: Absolute standpoint. Therefore, the world is illusion, and so too are tools 
: and means by which we can realize this. 

Please refer to the above example of clay and pot. If you wish 
to call the existence of clay as pot as an illusion, you may 
wish to classify this world as an illusion in that limited 

: Of course, this still does not answer any of my original questions. If the 
: world is illusion, where does that illusion come from? Who is being put under 
: illusion? Why is this being done? If illusion is there, then the corresponding 

There is no light in a room, it appears to be dark for you. Now,
your question is "Where does the darkness come from?"  Then, if
I say, it was an illusion due to the lack of light, you may 
then say, "No, I don't agree with you, the darkness existed,
because when I bring the light, it goes away. If it did not
exist, how can it go away?" 

: If so, then we must conclude that the ass (note: I am referring to the animal, 
: not a part of the anatomy) is the best of all devotees, because no one works 
: harder than the poor ass who works all day pulling his master's cart. 
: If I work hard for my own sense gratification, does it mean I am worshiping? 
: What kind of philosophy is that? 
: What the Bhagavad-Gita says is that one must work to please Lord Krishna. That 
: kind of work is karma-yoga. Not simply working to earn money to please your 
: own senses.
: This "WORK IS WORSHIP" idea is not an advaitist teaching. It is a Vivekananda 
: teaching. It is because of sentiments like this that I say that advaitists 
: should learn philosophy from Sankaraachaarya's line, and not from others who 
: happen to be very popular.

Even working for sensory satisfaction
is superior to not working, because the society benefits 
from your work, in that sense "Work is defenitely to be 
worshipped", but remember that "it does not mean that it 
is done as worship, only means that work is worship." 

