
Why is She black?

Dear Friends:

Before creation, it was all dark (tama AsittamasA guDamagre. RigVeda 
10.129.3).  The mahAnirvAna tantra says, Divine Mother remained 
invisible, black and hidden (sR^ishhterAdau tvamekAsIttamorupamagocharam 
4.25) .  Thus She is black.

The mahAnirvAna tantra also says:

shvetapItAdiko varNo yathA kR^ishhNe vilIyate
pravishhanti tathA kAlyaM sarvabhutAni Shailaje.
atastasyAH kAlashakte nirguNAyA nirAkriteH
hitAyaH prAptayogAnaM varNaM kR^ishhNo nirUpitaH.  13.5-6

(O shailaja! as the white, yellow and other colors dissolve in black, all 
of the material world (sarvabhutani) dissolve in the Divine Mother (kAlI).  
For this reason, the yogis have described that unqualifiable (nirguNA), 
formless (nirAkArA), beneficent (hitAyA), Divine Force (kAla-shakti) Her 
color (varNa) as black.)

Om Anandamayi chaitanyamayi satyamayi parame.

With best regards,
