

Daniel Stern (stern@vcn.bc.ca) wrote:

: It has been my experience that this kind of meditation can actually do more 
: harm than good.
: I no longer meditate. To reduce stress, I argue. :-)
: Praise the Lord!

Dear Friend:

Thank you for sharing your experiences.  There is only one thing that 
baffles me, is the Lord against meditation then?

: Creating the thoughts mean to consider the input, and the thoughts that 
: just come to you is the input. Thus, you cannot both not reject thoughts 
: *and* not create thoughts. It's impossible. 

I assume that you are familiar with the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, so I refer 
you to this verse:

sarvadvArANi saMyamya mano hR^idi nirudhya cha
murdhnyAdhAyAtmanaH prANamAsthito yogadhAraNAm,.h.  8.12

Controlling the sense expressions (sarvadvArANi saMyamya), locking mind 
into the Spiritual heart (mano hR^idi nirudhya cha) thinking about Me 
(mA anusmaran 8.13),  putting life-force between the eyebrows (mudhni prAnaM 
AdhAya), settled in the concievement of union with Atman (AtmanaM 
yogadhAraNAM AsthitaH).   Many have come to union with God this 
way, which makes me wonder how much you were in tune with yoga.

Specifically, what you have described as impossible has been proven to be 
very possible by many. Thoughts, I am told, will not be created by you 
but will come to you.

With best regards,
