
Saint Kulasekhara aazhvaar and Lord Venkateswara

[Also appears in soc.religion.vaishnava]

Ramesh wrote:
> If I remember correctly, the AlvAr says that he does'nt mind being *EVEN* 
> an insentient object (jada-vastu) such as the doorstep of the sanctum 
> sanctorum of the Tirumala temple (so that he has the great fortune of 
> being so close to Him).

These beautiful verses are by Kulasekhara aazhvaar.  
Sri Dileepan posted a nice note previously on the
depth of feeling in the bhakti of this great saint.

[see http://reality.sgi.com/mani/kula.html] 

You can find these paasurams in the ``perumaaL thirumozhi''.

He asks to be born as one of the steps leading
up to the temple:   

sediyaaya valvinaikaL theerkkum thirumaalE
netiyaanE vEngatavaa nin_kOyi linvaasal
atiyaarum vaanavaru marampaiyarum kidanthiyangum
padiyaayk kidanthun pavaLavaay kaaNpEnE (2)                         4.9

Would it not be a great pleasure to honor the
the feet of all the sincere bhaktas who walk up
to behold the Lord?

> It does not matter *EVEN* if he is a fish in the
> pushkaraNi (temple tank). For the AlvAr, proximity to the archAvatAra
> is no different from being in vaikunTam. 

aanaatha selvath tharampaiyar_kaL thaRkuzha
vaanaaLum selvamum maNNarasum yaanvENdEn
thEnaar_pooNY chOlaith thiruvEnga dassunaiyil
meenaayp piRakkum vithiyudaiyE NnaavEnE         4.2

He says ``meenaay piRakkum vidhiyudaiyEn aavEnE'' -- 
even life as a fish on the Venkata hill would be 
great for him. 
Aazhvaar ends this set of ten verses with the

umpa rulakaaN torukudaikkeezh uruppasithan
ampoR kalaiyalkul peRRaalu maathariyEn
sempavaLa vaayaan thiruvENG katamennum
emperumaan ponmalaimE lEthEnu maavEnE           4.10

``emperumaan ponmalaimEl EdhEnum aavEnE'' --
May I be born as *anything* on the golden hill of
my Lord of Venkatam!

kulasekhara aazhvaar thiruvadigaLe saraNam!
