
Yoga Therapist Training

		Raja, Laya, Tantra Yoga Teacher's Training

by Yogiraj Ravi Dykema

A two-year, 800-hour professional training in the high-energy (shakti)     
tradition of Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. Yogiraj Ravi Dykema was given the rare
titles, Yogiraj, or "yoga adept," and Yoga Chikitsaka, or "yoya therapist",
by his Guru, Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, during Ravi's 4-year
tenure in the early 70's as a student and faculty member at Gitananda's  
Ananda Ashram, in Pondicherry, India. Gitananda (who died in Dec. '93) was
the mahant (head) of the laya, tantra and ashtanga yoga tradition transmitted
to him by his guru, Swami Kanakananda of Bengal.  Ravi has been guiding 
students, and has had a private practice in yoga therapy for 22 years.  He
has operated Yoga Centers in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Madison, Wisconsin and now
Boulder, Colorado.  He is adjunct faculty at the Naropa Institute and 
publishes and edits Nexus magazine (a holistic health journal). 

To really teach true yoga well, one must have been transformed, or awakened, by
it.  One must have followed an inner yearning and have experienced YOGA, union,
for oneself.  This requires years of regular practice in an intact, authentic
Indian yoga lineage, guided by a qualified guru or senior teacher.  This
remarkable and transformative experience is now available within a professional
teachers training.  Graduates of this course will be distinguished from their
competition, a prerequisite for financial success as a professional yoga
If you would like more information about this yoga training, with schedules
and fee please email Ravi at ravi@naropa.edu.  And/or if you would like to
talk to one of his students please email Laurie at laurie@naropa.edu for 
further information.  You can also call Ravi at (303)444-7512 to speak with 
him or to receive a course catalogue.

  Yogiraj Ravi Dykema                      | InterNet ravi@naropa.edu
  Adjunct Faculty                          |  
  The Naropa Institute                     | Voice Phone (303) 444-7512
  2130 Arapahoe Avenue                     | Fax Machine (303) 442-7596
  Boulder, CO 80302                        |