
Re: Questions about hinduism

>X-News: soc.religion.hindu:2269
>From: x91naimuddin@wmich.edu
>Subject:Questions about hinduism
>Date: 31 Mar 1996 20:26:54 GMT

   Naimuddin wrote:

>	i've always had questions about hinduism that i've wanted to ask but
>never got a chance. now, i finally can with this newsgroup. well, i know that
>hindus believe in reincarnation, but can a person remember from one life to
>another? secondly, what is sati all about? thanks for helping. please post to
>me directly. 

  Regarding remembering one's past life, yes one can.  That's the core of
  the Hindu belief system.  In Sree Gita, Arjuna asks Lord Krsna that how
  he (Krsna) could tell the Divine knowledge to Surya before creation of all
  life/ matter ? What Arjuna meant was that Surya (Sun) existed much much
  before the birth of Krsna, yet Krsna says that he " told " the same thing
  to Surya at the *begining of creation*. How that could be possible ??
  To that Krsna answers that everyone, (probably Krsna means
  every lifeform), existed before and earlier.  Similarly Arjuna existed
  before his present birth; only Krsna remembers all of them since time
  immemorial, and Arjuna doesn't.  Similar concepts are suggested by
  Krsna regarding future births too. That is, one can also foretell what
  one shall be in the future births.  By the Hindu belief system, the soul
  migrates from one body to another - just as you change clothes.  But you
  do not change inside the clothes. Similarly the soul does not change, it
  existed and shall exist.

  Regarding " sati " I shall leave it to someone else.

  - deb chatterjee
  (a good samaritan)