
Re: Prime Minister Seeks Sai Baba Blessings

                              Sai Ram
Ronen Brafman, in article <ghenDqLvAo.CLL@netcom.com> advises he has
"just recently heard about Sai Baba, and wonder[s] how highly he is
considered in India." He also heard a recent BBC film discredits his
miracles of creations.
The film referred to is GURU BUSTERS, made by one Robert Eagle, who in
his own words regards Sai as `an old crook.' However, his was not a BBC
film; it was a movie made for Channel Four in the UK, based in large
part on the testimony of the Indian Rationalist Society. In my view
that group generates nothing so much as a blather of innuendo and
hyperbole and gossip. Eagle swallows their hearsay whole, and crafts
his product based on gossip to look somewhat like a documentary. Those
who have seen the film might recall that only ONE fact was presented in
the entire film. The rest is assumption, painted as if proven fact.
I suggest that Ronen (or any who are concerned) get a copy of the film,
so as to be able to discuss it with solid facts. Eagle is online, and
may well sell video copies or transcripts. (100610.3224@compuserve.com)
As for Indians...  Indians are of many views on many topics, including
Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Some Indians hold him to be a quack, others find
him divine, others care nothing either way. As ever, such things tend
to be a sign of one's personal view, experience, preferences and
Ronen continues about Sai:
>1. He claims to be a physical manifestation of god.
Ronen, where did you get that idea? Please, be specific. As I await the
source of your comment, I respond that I have heard Sai assert that he
is god, and so are you, and so am I, because *all* creation is THE
physical manifesation of divinity.  He also asserts that all creation,
as GOD INCARNATE, is conscious, able and eager to be in communion with
Mankind. Those who experience that communion tend to act accordingly.
Those who do not tend to argue it endlessly.
>By god, does he mean something akin to the western notion of god, or
>is it more like the idea of a person who reached the ultimate level,
>such as Budha.
Ronen will kindly specify what he means by `the western notion of god.'
Having conversed with Christians, Baha'i and Jews and Muslims, I find
the `western notion of god' is not one explicit idea, but varies almost
to the point of being undefinable. If Ronen will tell exactly what he
means, I will try to reply to his query. Besides, I find that each
person who experiences Sai directly will describe the Swami based on
his or her own perspective. For some, Sai is The Lord God Incarnate.
For others he is an exemplary instrument of GOD, for others he is a
sham, for others the satguru, for others the friend of friends, teacher
of teachers, self of the Self. He has students hailing from all
religions, as well as atheists, who attend his every word and action.
Those who like him tend to honour him as their inspiration or guide,
while those who do not like him tend to mock him as a clown. I strive
to be unconcerned overmuch about what others think, and work out my own
salvation based on my own intelligence, experience, and study.
>In that sense, how is this different from the concept of Budhisatva
>(sp?).  Has he ever commented on the role of Budhistvas like the Dalai
Sai rarely speaks of any sect. (The ideal of the Bodhisattva appears in
one sect of Buddhism.) However, Sai often speaks of great saints or
founders of various religions, and so from time to time mentions
Buddha. A number of Buddhist priests, from all sects, all fully
ordained, often visit the ashram. I asked a few Thai Buddhists how they
view Sai Baba, and was told that in their view Sai is a living Buddha.
I asked a Zen roshi there how he views Sai, and he bowed to me.
As for Bodhisattva, perhaps Ronen will tell how he understands that
state, so I may compare or contrast accordingly as regards Sai?
> He says that love is god, and those that love god are loved
>and helped by god. How direct is that help and in what form.
How direct is the breath? What form is love? God is ever present, ever
helping all, ever watching all living things take birth, live, age,
sicken, and die.  A study of any scripture will reveal how GOD can do
that: (love, and yet watch His beloved suffer or die without so much as
blinking an Eye). It is called Creation.
>What bothers me is the thought that quite a few of the jews
>killed in the holocaust were religiously very devoted and loved god.
What `bothers me' is the imprecision of that statement.  If the
implication intended there is that God-Believers or good people never
suffer or die, I suggest that Ronen re-examine his theory, and detail
it, so it may be addressed with precision.
I am Yahweh, unrivaled; I form the light and create the dark. I make good
fortune and create calamity. It is I Yahweh who do all this. -Isaiah 45:7