
Re: gAyatrI mantra: tradition

Prabhu Ambatipudi <pxa@netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

>The Gayatri Mantra was actually revealed in the holy place of modern-day
>Kayavarohan, Gujarat.

>In our shastras, there actually exist Gayatri mantras for each main caste,
>with varying metres, and also slightly different wordage.

>Unfortunately in the Kali Yuga, the Gayatri Mantra is recited with great
>distortion, both in pronunciation and intonation. A distorted saying of
>the Gayatri brings negative effects to those who chant and hear it, 
>according to our scriptures. Then again, I guess it is good that in this
>day and age, at least there are those who chant and meditate on the sacred
>Gayatri Mantra.

>Mail your posts to: ghen@netcom.com

You are quite correct regarding the mantra. However, this particular
mantra is a very very powerful one. In Kal Yuga it is often given as
the ultimate mantra and one that anyone can chant. Well that
information will certainly bring about trouble. Not just anyone should
chant this mantra. As you mentioned above, if it is done incorrectly
inpronounciation or at the wrong times of day or even for the wrong
reason or wrong person it will yeild negetive results.

A person wishing to use this mantra must purify themselves. This means
in lifestyle and intentions among other things. A good example would
be if a person on Friday evening at a party enjoyed several meat
dishes for dinner and also was drinking alcohol attempting to do the
GAyatri mantra on saturday morning better think twice. The persons
system will still be polluted with the tamsi foods and impurities of
life that flooded the body and mind in the evening previous. This
would create a great hypocrasy on the part of the person chanting and
GAyatri Mata would be well aware of it.

Chanting such powerful and pure mantra's requires equally powerful and
pure personalities doing the chanting. Thus one is best advised to
consult with a pandit or religious leader before attempting it. If
your guru feels you are capable and allows you to do the mantra then
by all means do so. You may chant with a full heart and joy. Because
in such a situation even if you really are impure your innosense of it
(sp?) will remove any possible hypocrasy from your act. As we all know
in Hinduism and innocent is the MOST pure of all regardless of what
they have actually done.

My advice is that those wishing to do this mantra that engage in a
modern lifestyle (complete with meat eating) should consult with their
guru or religious leader before trying this mantra. THe results could
be dangerous.

Other examples of such powerful mantra's are below:

Ohm Namo Bhagvatey Vasudev aay (Vishnu)
Ohm Mahaa Shring aay Namah (Vishnu)
Ohm Hrim Shrim Krim MahaLakshmi Namah (Lakshmi)

Bhrama Muraari's Tripuraant Kaari, Bhanu Shaashi Bhumi-Sooto,
Budha-scho Guru-scho, Shukra, Shaini, Rahu Ketuvah Kurvantu Saarve Mam
Suprabhaatam. (The planets)

I would recommend these mantra's as some of the most powerful and
beneficial mantra's I have ever come across. They really do work. Not
only do they really bring beneficial worldly results they also give
spiritual results.. But please, if you wish to use them it does mean
living up to them as well. Otherwise you may just end up annoying the
very forces and energies that you are attempting to be noticed by so
that you can give them pranaam.

Jai Hind
Shri Ganeshai Namah
