
Spiritual Truths Animals Teach Us -- Stories?

Spiritual Truths & Lessons Animals Teach Us

     Have you ever learned spiritual truths or lessons from an animal?

     Has an animal taught you about gratitude, joy, survival, courage,
forgiveness, or unconditional love?  Have animals helped you in your
dreams or intervened when you were suffering or in pain?  Has an animal
protected you from danger?  Have you continued to feel the presence of an
animal who has died?

     Do you have a story to tell?  If so, it would be a privilege to hear
it.  I'm writing a book about the spiritual truths and lessons animals
teach us and I'm looking for stories.

     Please write your story in first person with a length varying from 1
to 5 double space typed pages.  This non-denominational book will include
everyday, miraculous, and extraordinary experiences from individuals in
all walks of life, ages, different cultures and from a variety of
religions and belief systems.  This is an opportunity for you to share
with others your personal experiences and the awareness or spiritual truth
you gained from them.

     All contributors will be given credits and by-lines in the book. 
Please E-mail your story by May 1.  

E-mail:   Animals111@aol.com


Spiritual Animal Stories