
Re: A Hindu's perspective to "Halaal meat"

Sabberwal Suraj wrote:
> If I as a Hindu make an Easter Resolution that even I shall never eat meat
> from an animal killed by a Muhammadan, JUST AS THEY NEVER EAT MEAT from an
> animal killed by a Hindu, does that make me a Hindu fundamentalist????

So also, the Muslim's resolution not to eat meat that was butchered by a
Hindu or a Sikh, does not make him a Muslim fundamentalist. You have to
understand that first before you start screaming your head off about it. 

> and if what I have understood about "Halaal meat" is correct,

Fine. I don't think you will be putting any Muslim butchers out of
business. Most Hindu religious leaders would however tell you that it is
much better to resolve not to eat meat at all. 

> One point that really burns my heart is that all over the world, there are
> millions of Muslims who eat only "halaal meat".

I fail to understand why this must bother you. Every religion has its
dietary laws. Strict Jews eat only kosher meat. Strict Hindus forswear
all meat. Why shouldn't you grant the millions of Muslims the right to
follow their own customary dietary laws? 

> Some of these Muslims might be asking their guests whether the meat is
> halaaal or not. 

Please don't forget the basic Hindu teaching of "athiti devo bhava". If
you have a Muslim guest who only eats halaal meat, respect his wishes
and serve him halaal meat or else serve vegetarian food. If you are a
meat-eater and are invited by a Muslim who only eats halaal meat, why
should it bother you that the meat he serves is halaal? After all, the
butcher has prayed to Allah before killing the animal. And if you as a
Hindu believe in "Isvar Allah tero naam" you should have no problems
eating halaal meat. Why is this is such a big issue? If it still bothers
you, decline the invitation politely and explain in civil terms why. (I
can't believe this, I'm sounding like an "Aunt Abby" advice column!)

> MEAT from an animal killed by a member of our own religion and ask our
> Muslim guests whether the meat is "PURE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE"  how would the
> Muslims feel ???

Tell them your resolution is just like their rules regarding halaal
meat. They would understand perfectly well. 

It is not a healthy trend to jump at small matters like this, and make
it a big Hindu-Muslim issue. We must all resist the tendency to demonize
the "other", and the temptation to scream in block letters over imagined


S. Vidyasankar