
Re: Home for Hindus

In article <ghenDqB2Ds.LLM@netcom.com>, Papa  <ukt1@cornell.edu> wrote:
>	Recently I have been talking to fellow Hindus and we all agree that 
>there needs to be a Hindu homeland.  

what really is your concept of hindu home land? is it a land where 
hindus can live peacefully? or is it a land where hindus can acquire
knowledge, and transmit from generation to generation?  OR is it a
land where they should find themselves locked up, isolated from
other cultures?

what better country you can find than a land  where you have all 
cultures, religions and sects floorish side by side -- learning
from one another? 

you better consider educating your "fellow hindus" with whom
you seem to have conversed.

>The Muslims have the Middle East 
>and Pakistan to call there home, but there is no place like that for 
>Hindus.  Most would argue that India is the home of the Hindus, but I do 
>not believe that, because India is secular.  I think India should make 
>Hinduism its official and only religion.  As a Hindu I want to be able 
>to go a country and call it my own and not share it with others.
	A homeless Hindu