
Nirvikalpa Samadhi Nirvikalpa samadhi

In article <4l1lpk$63m@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, 
>santhosh@iss.nus.sg (Santhosh Kumar) writes:
>>. Also, as my
>>understanding on this subject goes, once an ordinary person
>>achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi, he leaves the body in 21 days.
>Santhoshji :
>Namaskaar. You remark that one who nirvikalpa samadhi drops their body
>in 21 days. I have also heard this many times in India, my Guruji 
>        I would be interested if you had some references (shruti 
>smriti) stating 21 days.

Joan writes :

In the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, on page 245, it says,

"'Trailanga Swami once said that because a man reasons he is conscious 
multiplicity, of variety. Attaining samadhi, one gives up the body in 
days. . . '" (Ramakrishna was talking to his devotees.)

	Namaskaar Joan. Thanks for responding. The above statement is
surprising since many long time practicioners of yoga would have 
attained some kind of samadhi. As you know, there are various kinds
of samadhi, including nirvikalpa (which itself is divided into stages).
	Even agreeing that the above stanza did mean nirvikalpa, I
wouldn't call Ramakrishna's words as Shruti, though I respect him as
a saint/sage. 
	Let us look at some responses by Ramana Maharshi,

Talks with Ramana, 3rd edition, page 293
Sentences in [] are mine.	

Disciple : Ramakrishna says that nirvikalpa samadhi can not last longer
than 21 days. If persisted in, the person dies. Is it so ?

Ramana : When the prarabdha [karma] is exhausted the ego is completely
dissolved without leaving any trace behind. This is final liberation.
Unless prarabdha is completely exhausted, the ego will be rising up
in its pure form even in jivanmukta [liberated person]. I still doubt
the statement of the maximum duration of 21 days. It is said that 
can not live if they past 30 or 40 days. But there are those who have
fasted longer, say a hundred days. It means there is still prarabdha 
	[Let us also remember that saints like Giri Bala had not eaten
for nearly 50 years].

Talks with Ramana, 3rd edition, page 432
Sentences in [] are mine.	

Disciple : It is said that one remaining in Nirvikalpa samadhi for 21 
must necessarily give up the physical body

Ramana : Samadhi means passing beyond dehatma buddhi and 
of the body with the Self is a foregone conclusion.
	There are said to be persons who have been immersed in Nirvikalpa
Samadhi for a thousand years or more.
	[There are instances from Yoga vasistha, which say the same 
Therefore there seems to be support in Smriti that this 21 day period 
not correct.]

I would be interested in seeing Shruti/smriti references which support 
contention of 21 days.


In regard to the reference from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, I don't 
know if it would help to point out that Sri Ramakrishna was referring 
to a third party, Trailanga Swami, and not speaking of His own 
revelation. To me, that would make a difference in how I accept it.

In the latter part of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, M describes how 
Sri Ramakrishna gave Nirvikalpa Samadhi to Vivekananda and even quotes 
Vivekananda's description of how he felt an intense light in the back 
of his head and then completely lost body consciousness. As we all 
know, Vivekananda lived more than 21 days. 

I'm sorry that I can't give a direct quote on this because I don't have 
time to look it up, as much as I would like to.

Requests for references from the Scriptures remind me of the humorous 
anecdote which is attributed to Swami Vivekananda. Once a well-known 
scholar said to Vivekananda, "What you say is not in accordance with 
the Scriptures. The Scriptures say..." Vivekananda responded, "So the 
Scriptures say, but I, Vivekananda say..." Since Vivekananda was and is 
the embodiment of humility and purity, I think that he meant that if 
one goes by the strict letter of the Scriptures, he may miss the 
essence. In the same way, Christ warned the Pharisees not to go by the 
letter of the Law. 
