
Re: Home for Hindus

>X-News: kuhub.cc.ukans.edu soc.religion.hindu:2474
>From: Papa <ukt1@cornell.edu>
>Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 08:03:27 GMT

>	Recently I have been talking to fellow Hindus and we all agree that 
>there needs to be a Hindu homeland.  The Muslims have the Middle East 
>and Pakistan to call there home, but there is no place like that for 
>Hindus.  Most would argue that India is the home of the Hindus, but I do 
>not believe that, because India is secular.  I think India should make 
>Hinduism its official and only religion.  As a Hindu I want to be able 
>to go a country and call it my own and not share it with others.

   In fact, theoretically I would not like to see that happen, though I 
   fully support your view considering the pragmatic aspect of it.  I
   think in a home, one asserts one's identity.  It's just like your
   house.  I mean you buy or build your house and live there.  The
   society knows that you can be located by some practical method to
   that specific place.  Only when you are weak and somewhat transcendental
   in your attitudes, your home will be occupied by someone else and you
   shall either have to move away or fight back.  Hindus in Pakistan and
   Bangladesh have had to leave their ancestral homes because of their
   religious identity.  The same did not happen to Muslims in India.  A
   vast majority of Muslims live in India, and call it their home.
   Hindus need to assert themselves and determine a homeland, just like
   Jews in Israel or Muslims in Pakistan/ Bangladesh and Middle East.
   That is why, though it is not desirable, the Hindus should vote based
   on their religious identity in order to assert their identity.  One 
   can see that the Christian Coalition in USA is asking Christians to
   vote based on their religious rights.  Muslims vote in a similar manner
   in India.  The irony is that only Hindus (in India) negate themselves by 
   voting for issues that are tangential to their Hindu identity. 

   - cheers,
     deb chatterjee
   (a good samaritan)