Yoga and sakta upanisad-s
To: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Subject: Yoga and sakta upanisad-s
From: Giri <gmadras@engr.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 10:05:41 -0800 (PST)
Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 03:44:22 -0500 (EST)
Resent-From: SRH Editor <srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu>
Resent-Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960402034422.12497E@rbhatnagar>
Resent-To: Ajay Shah <ajay>
>I wonder if you, or anyone else, can locate in a bookstore (or at least a
>library) the translation of the Yoga Upanishads:
>tr. by T. R. Srinivasa Ayyanagar.
>Edited by G. Srinivasa Murti. 2d ed., rev.,
>Madras: Adyar Library, 1952. 502 pages.
>Adyar Library Series no. 20.
>The yoga upanishads are included (as you mention) in the six volume series
>published by Adyar library with the commentary of upanisad-brahmayogin but
>this series only contains the sanskrit.
You are correct. However, you should note that most the above
six volumes have been translated into English. The yoga upanisad translated
into english is available at the U. Penn library. The translator is
ayyangar (not ayyanagar, which means colony of ayyas:-). The yoga upanisad
in sanskrit is available in the libraries of the Univerity of California.
Similarly, you can find sanskrit only sakta upanisads and english
only sakta upanisads in the Univeristy of california libraries. The key
to look for is how old is the edition is. If the edition is quite old (40's),
and if it is edited by Sastri, it is most likely to have sanskrit only.
Most of the latter editions have english translation.