
Re: Question about Hinduism

Giri (gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu) wrote:

:         I read that the reason why most of us don't remember their past
: lives is due to the Grace of God. The reason is we already worry too much
: [unneccessarily] about our present lives, and if we knew our previous
: births, we would spend more time worrying 'Why did[not] I do this etc?' 
: than thinking about God in this birth. I will try to get the reference
: for you.
:         Further, if one is really interested in knowing their previous birth,
: there are specific techniques in yoga for this. Patanjali yoga suutras talk
: about this briefly.

Dear Giriji:

Thank you and Ramakrishnanji for the followup posts.  I have heard from 
my father about Sri shukadeva's birth.  He wasn't coming out of his 
mother's womb, because he did not want to come back to this mAyAland. 
Apparently, God allowed him to have the memory from his previous births.
I expect to find the reference in the Srimad Bhagavat, but have not found 
it yet.  

I will look forward to any reference you can find.

With best regards,
