
Re: A few Questions!

Reason for infinite # of Gods:
Hinduism believes in the the concept of indivijual soul (jivatma) and 
the supreme soul (paramatma). Both of these entities are devoid of 
measure and attributes. Since it is not measurable it can be 
given an infinite number of conflicting attributes 
i) The smallest and the biggest entity in the universe.
ii) Since it does not have any physical attribute it can be assigned 
any sex (God can be considered both as the divine mother and father). 
Each demigod is symbolic of a particular quality that is possesed by this 
paramatma. This is the reason why they are many Gods but there is only one 
supreme soul (paramatma).

Reason for multiple arms and faces: 
Each face is supposed to symbolically 
represent a particular part of the 
Bhraman (supersoul,paramatma).  
i) Creation: Brahma
ii) Creation: Vishnu
iii) Destruction: Shiva
iv) Saraswati: Education
v) Shakti: Maternal side of the paramatma