
Bhagavad Gita Question

This is in reply to a question on Robert Oppenheimer's reference to
certain verses in Bhagavad Gita by

Dear Robin:

Robert Oppenheimer probably has quoted this passage: Chapter 11, Verse 12:

"If the light of a thousand suns were to blaze forth all at once in the sky,
that might resemble the splendour of that exalted Being."

This translation is by Dr.S. Radhakrishnan, a philasopher from India.  I have
seen this reference also in a Penguin's publication of Bhagavad Gita.

Chapter 11 describes the Lord in his "DIVINE FORM" - equivalant to REVELATION

In all religions the common denominator for divinity is  "LIGHT!"

Verses 8 to 12 should be read completely to understand the divine significance.

No human can see the "DIVINE" using naked eyes but one needs spiritual eyes
to experience the "SUPREME".

Oppenheimer's reference of verse 12 is more to indicate the fear and shock of
witnessing thousand suns on the sky.  Sun is the energy source and energy
from a nuclear blast is equivalant to an instantaneous display of thousand

                  **    Have a Nice Day!   **

*  You are the only one to judge your actions for awards and punishments  *
*  An Act of Kindness is its Greatest Reward which always comes with it   *
*  No Act of Sin can escape from Severe Punishment from the Conscience    *
*  To Experience True Happiness one has to renounce the rewards of an act *
*                  Subtle Message from Bhagavad Geeta                     *

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