
Re: Questions about hinduism

In article <4jt42t$6th@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com says...
>This dastardly practice was often forced upon the
>wife after her husband died.     (snip)
>Though it is rare, Hindu women to this day are 
>sometimes immolated by their relatives after their 
>husbands die. 
        They're also immolated even by thier husbands, shortly
        after marriage. This resembles the "insurance
        murders" we sometimes see in the West.
         But in all fairness, this has nothing
        at all to do with either "sati" or Hinduism.
 It is unfortunate that the leaders 
>of the Hindu political renaissance would rather 
>concentrate on inter-communal arguments than 
>clean out their own closet.