
Gita: Smriti or Sruti?

santhosh@iss.nus.sg (Santhosh Kumar) wrote:

>Smriti, it qualifies very well into the Smriti category. It
>is, to my knowlege, is considred as a Smriti by the scholars.


>On the other hand, it is considered as one in the Prasthanathrayas, 
>considered as the essence of Upanisads, being an integral 
>part of the epic Mahabharata which is considered as Panchama 
>veda(fifth Veda), it is argued that Gita is indeed a Sruti. 

The title fifth Veda is just a courtesy designation. Not all people who uphold
the vedas as supreme give so much importance to the mahabhaarata, ex. the saiva
siddhanta saints like maNickavaachakar, thiruJNaanasambandhar etc or more
recent siva yogis like thaayumaanavar.

However in the smaarta tradition the Gita is held in very high regard. Ofcourse
the Vaishnavas think highly of it. 

Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said, "The flag is moving." The other
said, "The wind is moving." The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by. He
told them, "Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving." - The Gateless Gate