
Re: Seeking Bhagavad Gita Reference

In article <4kks7j$kai@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, R.W.Allen@ecs.soton.ac.uk says...
>I wonder if anyone here can help me...
>When asked to express his feelings upon witnessing the first atomic bomb
>test in 1945, Robert Oppenheimer quoted a passage from the Bhagavad-Gita: "I
>am become death - the shatterer of worlds".
>I have been going through a copy of the BG looking for this quote, but have
>been unable to find it. 
	Of course, I don't really know what Oppie said, but judging from 
	the context, it seems that there are two verses from the Gita
	that might satisfy your description above. Check 11.32 and 10.34.
	I personally prefer the former. 
	As far as being unable to find these quotes, I've also had 
	trouble with various aparamparagata gitas. I suggest you see
	the Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Swami Prabhupada; everything in
	it is very clearly laid out for the reader, including the 
	Sanskrit texts. Hope this helps.