
Re: Question about Hinduism

Christine Mucke (christine.mucke@mch.sni.de) wrote:

: In my view (an ignorant one) rebirth is a great and plausible
: idea of the indian religions. But a fact ? Are other religions
: then wrong ?

: As far as I understood right, there are a few high spiritual 
: persons who can remember their previous life. What about
: the lot of other people ? Maybe the aspect of remembering is
: not so an important aspect of Hinduism.

Dear Christine Mucke:

Thank you for responding to this thread.  I imagine you are talking 
mainly about the Biblical view of rebirth.  It is not wrong.  Just that 
the popular notion is wrong.

First, let us discuss rebirth in Hindu Scriptures.  When a person dies, 
his/her soul does not die, but the physical body is discarded by the 
soul (jivAtman).  The soul retains the memories of the life just ended 
(the mind takes the indriyArtha = a mind's rendition of sense-pleasures).
As the soul takes birth, It takes a new body, and depending on Its state 
of awareness, It remebers/does not remember events from the past life.  
Many sages remebered their previous lives, for example, Sri Paramahansa 
Yogananda (Autobiography of a yogi).  I do not quite know what Scriptures 
say about why most of us do not remember anything from previous lives, 
but I know of some indirect statements about this.  In the Srimad 
Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna said, that Spiritual inclinations are carried 
over from life to life (re: abhyAsayoga).  

In the Bible, there is reference of rebirth when Jesus said that John the 
Baptist was Elijah reborn.  Elijah did not die a natural death, he was 
taken up on a chariot. This has prompted many to say that he never 
died.  That can not be true, since he appeared in spirit body later. John 
himself did not know that he is Elijah reborn (he denied).  However, in 
the book of Hebrews, there is a statement that man dies only once. The 
author of Hebrews is unknown.  

In any case, the important thing to recognize is, the common Christian 
view of rebirth is essentially like resurrection, like Lazarus or Jesus, 
both in body and in spirit.  However, in the only case of rebirth noted 
in the Bible (of John) it is a rebirth of the Spirit.  In Christianity, 
a person is identified with his/her body, not the Spirit. In heaven, the 
resurrected person is given a new name by God.  It is expected that the 
resurrected person will keep his/her body too, maybe that is one reason 
why a dead person's body is given a burial.  I feel that is unrealistic, 
since every visitor from heaven came with their Spirit body. 

But in Hinduism, body is not considered a person's true identity.  The 
true identity is by the Soul. 

Rebirth of the Soul is a fact, otherwise, it would not be possible to 
remember anything about a past life.  In the US, one Professor of the 
name Ian Stevenson has studied children who remembered their previous lives.
He has written several books on it.

With best regards,
