
Re: Angkor Wat: Temple relief Heaven & Hell

Thanks to Mr. Gangopadhyay and Mr. Chakravarti who answered my
question about heaven and hell. 

It seems that the karma one accumulates is not only rewarded /
punished by higher / lower rebirths, but also by stays in the
respective heavens / hells. 

Is this an AND or an OR option?

The relief I mentioned shows no less than 37 heavens and 32 hells (so
written in a book about them)! I suppose the Khmer inscriptions the
author counted rather refer to the good deeds / sins that lead to
these respective worlds. My interpretation only.

And yes, the word "oblivion" was badly chosen as a description of
samadhi. What I meant to say is that the soul in attaining samadhi
must be in a state where it is beyond pain (hell) and pleasure
(heaven), so these are of no importance to the soul anymore. Am I
Jochen Bink, Vogelsbergstr. 25, D-55129 Mainz, Germany
E-Mails: binkj000@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de (Modem)