Sikhism began
about 500 years ago by Guru Nanak, word Sikh is derived from the word Sisya (disciple) Scripture : Adi Granth (Guru Granth Sahib), Sikhs follow path of
japa (recitation) of hymn, devotional prayers (kirtana) singing the names of God (e.g.,
Nam Simran)
Belief in ten Gurus - spiritual guide who dispels ignorance
and darkness
God is creator of the universe and its existence and
continued survival depends on His hukum (will)
Monistic or Non-dual, ultimate reality is unity of all
existence, God is both Saguna (with attributes) and Nirguna (without attributes), and is
called by names such as Sat (truth), Sat Guru (true Guru), Akal Purkh (timeless being),
kartar (creator) and Wahi-Guru (praise to the God).
Sikh is immersed in God assimilated, identified with Him.
It is the fulfillment of individuality in which man, freed of all limitation becomes
co-extensive and co-operant and co-present with God.
Guru Gobind Singh (last living Guru) organized Sikh
tradition of Khalsa (pure one). Male members traditionally wear 5 "k"s, uncut
hair and beard (kesh), comb (kanga), traditional shorts (kacha), wrist ring (kada), sword
Attachment to material objects is the primary cause of
rebirth on the basis of past karma (action)
Only way to achieve liberation (mukti) from the cycle of
birth and death is by being God-conscious (gurmukh)
Does not believe in incarnation of God in human form.
Disapproves asceticism and self mortification as path to
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