Hindu Universe > Worship > Shlokas For Every Day Use > Shlokas to invoke Gods and Goddesses > Prayer to Devi (yaa devii)
Prayer to Devi (yaa devii)

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y:a dðv:i s:v:üB:Üt:ð\:Ø m:at:à,p:ðN: s:öesT:t:H .
y:a dðv:i s:v:üB:Üt:ð\:Ø S:eVt:,p:ðN: s:öesT:t:H .
y:a dðv:i s:v:üB:Üt:ð\:Ø S:aent:,p:ðN: s:öesT:t:H .
n:m:st:sy:òH n:m:st:sy:òH n:m:st:sy:òH n:m::ð n:m:H
yaa devii sarvabhuuteshhu maatR^irupeNa sa.nsthitaH .
yaa devii sarvabhuuteshhu shaktirupeNa sa.nsthitaH .
yaa devii sarvabhuuteshhu shaantirupeNa sa.nsthitaH .
namastasyaiH namastasyaiH namastasyaiH namo namaH ..
O mother, who is present everywhere, who is embodiment of Universal Mother,
O mother, who is present everywhere, who is embodiment of Power and Energy,
O mother, who is present everywhere, who is embodiment of Peace,
I bow to thee, I bow to thee, I bow to thee.

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