Hindu Universe > Worship > Shlokas For Every Day Use > Daily Prayer (Shlokas) > Bedtime Prayer (KaracharaNa..)
Bedtime Prayer (KaracharaNa..)

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krc:rN: kát:ö v:aVkay:j:ö km:üj:ö v:a .
Â:v:N:n:y:n:j:ö v:a m:an:s:ö v:ap:raD:ö .
ev:eht:m:ev:eht:ö v:a s:v:üm:ðt:tx:m:sv: .
j:y: j:y: k,N:abD:ð Â:im:hadðv: S:mB::ð ..
karacharaNa kR^itaM vaakkaayajaM karmajaM vaa .
shravaNanayanajaM vaa maanasaM vaaparaadhaM .
vihitamavihitaM vaa sarvametatkshamasva .
jaya jaya karuNaabdhe shriimahaadeva shambho ..
Oh Lord kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind.Glory unto Thee O Lord, who is the ocean of kindness.

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