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Home > Mantra > Maha-Mantra



"Hare Krsihna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare".

This mantra is called "maha", the greatest mantra. It is the most powerful chanted mantra. If you only learn and regularly chant this 16 word mantra, it is sufficient for awakening the higher self to it´s true nature as spirit and will allow you to make spiritual advancement to the point of full self-realisation. It is calling for the energy and mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and there are no hard and fast rules for the chanting of this Suprme Mantra.

In the "Ananta-Samhita" within the Vedas we find the following:- "This sixteen name, thrity-two syllable mantra is the maha-mantra in the age of Kali by which all living beings can be delivered. One should never abandon chanting this maha-mantra and take to other so-called purificatory processes which are practiced by reascals, or engage in chanting other metrical compositions of the name of Krishna that are against the pure conclusions of the scriptures, or are filled with rasabhasa (scripturally unfounded conclusions or practice). About this divinely spiritual maha-mantra, which delivers on from material existence, the original guru, Lord Brahma, has said, "Kali-santaranadi srutite", ("the srutis section of the Vedas have declared this mantra to be the best means of deliverance in the age of Kali´). Having all heard this from Brahma, the sons and disciples of Brahma, beginning wih Narada, all accepted the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and having once meditated on it attained perfection".

In the"Kalisantarana Upanishad" it is stated, "The sixteen names of the Hare Krishna mantra destroy all the inauspiciousness of the age of Kali. This is the conclusion of all the Vedas. Also in the "Agni-Purana" it is written, "Whoever chants this mantra, even neglectfully, will attain the supreme goal of life. Of this there is no doubt". So you can see this is the most important mantra to learn!

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Published on: 2004-07-06 (6946 reads)

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