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Bagala Mukhi Yantra

Home > Yantra > Bagala Mukhi Yantra

This yantra is generally used within the mantra categories of stambhan, vashikaran, or uchattan. It should be prepared at a time when the planet Mars is at maximum strength and effect. It gives protection of the physical body from accidents, helps one to attain successful results in important academic examinations and is said to help overcome adversaries in, for example, arguments or legal challenges.


"Om Haring Bagla Mukhai Namaha".

This mantra must be chanted 1500 times a day for 45 consecutive days to the presiding deity goddess Bagla Mukhi. The yantra may be drawn on bronze with turmeric, or inscribed into gold, silver, or copper. The puja is started on a Tuesday using yellow beads, garments and flowers. The worshipper must sit on a yellow-colored mat or special sitting place and must remain vegetarian and celibate during the period of worship. One last astrological point is that this worship should not be started if the moon is in the 4th, 8th, or 12th house from the natal sign´s position.

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Published on: 2004-07-06 (15452 reads)

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