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Types of Yantras

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Bhu means Earth and Bhu Devi is the name of Mother Earth. Accordingly they are made from materials found within the earth, as the name implies. There are two subdivisions. The first is raised yantras which include the bija mantras and vern mantras. The second is carved yantra.


Raised, with a wide base, thinner midsection and peaked top in the shape of a mountain.


Carved, in the shape of an inverted mountain, making it the opposite of the Meru Prisht yantra.


These are of the "Meru" or mountain shape, but cut, rather than raised.


Have tortoise shell tops on a rectangular base.

The above five types of yantras are classified according to the different puja (worship) conducted. Each has a separate and distinct purpose to gain a particular objective for the aspirant. Some yantras are worshipped in temples, some are worshipped by individuals at home and some are worn on the body (usually of triangular or rectangular shape) either around the neck, the arm, or kept close to the body in another location. According to how the yantras are used, they are further classified into seven divisions, as follows:


There are seven of these yantras, one for each of the "chakras". They are worn on the body and each has its own mantras. Chanting these mantras bestows various benefits to the aspirant.


These yantras are also worn on the body and include particular rituals for producing the desired results.


These yantras are positioned under the asana (sitting place) during puja. They are said to bear their fruit more quickly than other yantras and therefore are generally placed under the foundations of homes and temples, sometimes even under the worshipped deity of the home or temple, to bring the favorable results in a fairly short span of time.


These yantras are created with nine people participating in the puja. They arrange their sitting places in the form of the yantra. One participant sits in the centre, another to the north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west and one to north-west. The aspirant in the centre position offers the puja of the "Ishat" mantra and the eight others also chant individual specific mantras at the same time.


These yantras are installed, whether in temples or individuals´ homes, while puja is taking place. There are different yantras to serve various desires. They may be for different religious deity worship, or for the different planets in our solar system. The worship and installation of these yantras is having five basic steps.

  1. Before the performance of the puja, the yantras are installed as icons, or worshipable deities. The yantras are drawn numercially and while offering the puja, the names of the respective "devas" (according to the numbers) are chanted throughout the mantras.

  2. In the centre of the yantra the name of the particular deva being worshiped is written, then the puja is performed.

  3. Either the first word of the mantra, the bija mantra, or the full mantra is written while preparing the yantra itself.

  4. A carving, painting, or photograph of the deva and worshipable deity is attached to the yantra before beginning the puja.

  5. Full-color pictures of deva or worshipable deity are applied to the yantra.


These yantras are not placed upon the body, but kept in the pocket, or under a turban (or hat).


These yantras are generally found in temples. "Darshan" or view means to take advantage of the association with a deity or other representative form of God, or His devotee. It is said that if an aspirant sees them during the morning hours, they will be benefic in awarding success. These are greatly "purified" yantras and are installed in great historic temples such as the temple of "Lord Jagannath, Balarama and Subhadra" in Jagannath Puri (also called Puri).

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Published on: 2004-07-05 (16358 reads)

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