(Freedom or Salvation) from the cycle of birth and death is the
ultimate goal of Hindu religious life. Moksha is called Mukti (freedom) by yogis and Nirvana by
individual soul (atman), in its liberated state, possesses divine
qualities such as purity, omnipresence and omnipotence, and is
beyond limitations. Within
the individual, however, the atman is involved in the working of
samsara (the cycle of birth and death in the phenomenal world),
thereby subjecting itself to bondage by Law of Karma.
Moksha is attainted when the individual becomes liberated
from the cycle of birth and death and attains eventual union with
the Supreme Being.
union can be achieved through true knowledge (gyana or jnana),
devotion (bhakti), or right work (karma). Purity, self-control, truthfulness, non-violence, and
compassion toward all forms of life are the necessary pre-requisites
for any spiritual path in Hindu dharma.
The Hindu dharma emphasizes the importance of a true guru
(spiritual master) for the attainment of true knowledge of the soul
and God.
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