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The Sun Set Twice To Kill Jayadratha
By Dr. P.V.Vartak

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Hindu History > Library of Ancient Hindu History > Mahabharat > The Sun Set Twice To Kill Jayadratha

To kill Jayadratha in one day before the sun-set was an impossible task. So Krishna told Arjuna that he would employ some trick so that Jayadratha would see the sun-set and would come forward openly at which moment Arjuna should severe his head, unhesitatingly, without fear of the sun-set.

Mahabharat tells that Krishna employed "Yoga Maya". Yoga means combination, Maya means illusion. Krishna combined Maya with a fact based on a natural phenomenon of Mirage.

Though the sun-light travels in a straight line, it refracts on entering the atmosphere around the earth. This atmospheric refraction of light brings the sun below the horizon into our view.

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