Hindu Universe > Festivals > Holi Other Festivals  

The Burning of Kama Deva Madana
By Sudheer Birodkar
See the original and complete article here

For that matter, a formal religious sanction does exist in the case of most festivals. For instance, it is said that Holi commemorates an event in lord Shiva's life. In mythology Shiva is portrayed as having a meditative but violent temperament. For hours together he is said to meditate in his icy abode atop mount Kailas in the Himalayas. Solitude and serenity are essential for him. Looking at Shiva's abnormal trait, Madana, the God of love decided to see for himself if Shiva was, in fact, above normal passions. To do this he took on the form of a beautiful nymph and tried to disturb Shiva's meditation by singing and dancing in front of him. Unfortunately for Madana, he succeeded in disturbing Shiva's meditation, and when Shiva opened his eyes and recognised the beautiful nymph as Madana in disguise, he was furious. In a fit of rage he opened his third eye located on his forehead, that could emit fire and reduced the guileful Madana to ashes. Holi we are told is observed in memory of this event.

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