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Krishna Lila - The Story of Lord Krishna reflects life in a Pastoral Society

The story of Lord Krishna reflects life in a pastoral society.. Cattle are the principal means of subsistence. The activity of people revolves around tending cows, milking them, making curds, butter etc. Krishna himself has names displaying a pastoral charecter. Govinda and Gopala as he is also known, mean cowherd. In Sanskrit Go means cow.

In brief the life story of Krishna as per mythology is as follows:

Kansa, the king of Mathura was a very cruel tyrant. His tyranny spared no one, even the sages had to bear the brunt of this. Finally the Gods could tolerate no more of it and in a dream Kansa was told that his evil reign would be brought to an end by his sister Devaki's son who would kill him. The cowardly tyrant immediately threw his sister Devaki and her husband Vasudev in prison so that he could kill all the sons born to Devaki.

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This material taken from Hindu History by Sudheer Birodkar Please visit his site on Hindu History.