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News - Appeal by Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Posted on Wednesday, September 25 @ 23:29:24 UTC by admin

Gujarat : Complete Coverage writes "
This is an appeal by the leader of Swami Narayan Sampraday Pramukh Swamiji Maharaj on the Gandhinagar Akshardham Temple massacre.

At 4.45 p.m. on Tuesday 24 September, two terrorists entered the Akshardham complex in Gandhinagar from gate No.3 by the Amusement Park. In response to a volunteer's question, one of the terrorists showed his gun.

The volunteer retreated and the two terrorists walked through the promenade shooting indiscriminately at the pilgrims.

They advanced towards the monument, killing a visitor and lobbing a grenade into the bookstall which fortunately did not explode. They then fired from the monument podium towards people who were escaping through the lawns. Then both terrorists came down the monument steps and headed towards the parikrama adjacent to the Multi-media Hall (Hall 2). As they were heading towards the multi-media hall, the volunteers closed its doors from the inside. Then the terrorists entered the adjacent Hall 1 through the exit door. It was here that the mass killing began. They exploded a grenade by the entrance of Hall No.1, firing their AK 47 rifles killing and injuring a large number of people. Thereafter, they ran out of Hall No.1 and climbed up the parikrama terrace where they lay flat beneath a stone canopy for further action.

If the Gujarat police and commandos had not rushed to the spot, many more innocent lives would have been lost and the terrorists would have escaped. The police and commandos escorted 500 visitors to safety. Seventy-five visitors were safely secured in the Multi-media Hall. Another 25 to 30 people were safe behind the monument doors.

Heavy exchange of fire between terrorists and commandos ensued as the evening light began to fade. The terrorists sought new vantage points. During this time, the dead and injured in Hall No.1 were carried out on stretchers through the backdoor.

The National Security Guards (Blackcat Commandos) were airlifted from Delhi and joined the hunt at 11.30 p.m. and bore the brunt of the operations thereafter. Movements were restricted and the Blackcat Commandos formulated their strategy after studying the Akshardham model. The shoot-out continued sporadically throughout the night.

After daybreak (between 6.30 a.m. and 7.00 a.m.) the terrorists became more desperate. The intensity of firing increased. The two terrorists were finally killed by the Blackcat Commandos. Altogether 31 people were killed
and 70 injured.

If the Gujarat police and commandos had not rushed to the spot many more innocent lives would have been lost. The Blackcat Commandos performed the commendable task of eliminating the intruders.

The Akshardham carnage is a national tragedy. The horrific atrocity is all
the more shocking because innocent people were mowed down in a place of worship. The tragedy has caused anguish and pain to millions of people because Akshardham is a source of peace, harmony and inspiration.

Many spiritual leaders, national and international dignitaries, government officials, organisations, electronic and print media have expressed their condolences for this tragedy. Today, the Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Deputy Prime Minister of India Lal Krishna Advani, Governor of Gujarat Sundersinh Bhandari, Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi and Congress Party Leader Sonia Gandhi have all visited the Akshardham Complex expressed their grief and shown their sympathy for those who lost their lives.

Pramukh Swami Maharaj, spiritual leader of the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and inspirer of the Akshardham Complex, has offered his deep sympathy and prayers for the unfortunate victims who lost their lives and their grieving relatives. He has also offered prayers for the quick recovery of the injured and that such tragedies never afflict any community or nation of the world. Swamishri has appealed to the citizens of India to maintain peace and harmony in the wake of this national tragedy.

In this hour of mourning, all BAPS centers worldwide have offered prayers for the departed souls and those injured in this tragedy.

General Secretary
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha


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