Sept 25, 2002 : VHPA Strongly condemns the ferocious and gruesome attack on Swaminarayan Temple and urges peace and harmony
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) of America strongly condemns the ferocious and gruesome terrorist attack on the Swaminarayan Temple in Gandhinagar killing innocent worshippers including many women and children. This barbaric attack, on one of the most revered Hindu Temples, is an attack on the Hindus around the world. The Islamic terrorists, armed with AK47s and huge cache of explosives, had three basic things in mind - to instill fear, to create chaos, and to disturb communal harmony. And in order to defeat such Islamic terrorists in their fiendish game and to thwart their diabolic design against humanity, VHPA urges all to be fearless through organized strength by upholding Dharma (righteousness), to help maintain law and order and to pray for peace and harmony. VHPA further urges government of India to take decisive and resolute action against the destabilizing forces behind the massacre.
VHPA conveys its heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the bereaved families and offers full support to the grief stricken families of the victims of this Islamic terrorism.
World Hindu Council of America(VHPA), founded in 1970 and incorporated in the state of New York in 1974, is a nonprofit, tax exempt volunteer-based charitable organization serving the needs of Hindu community(who believe in, practice, or respect the spiritual and religious principles having origins in Bharat(India) which includes Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and people of various religious sects within the Hindu Ethos) in US with a grand vision of building a dynamic Hindu
society inspired by the eternal values of Dharma and the lofty ideal of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam meaning ‘The entire creation is one family.
World Hindu Council (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) of America Inc.
National Office:
PO Box 441505,
TX 77244,
Gaurang Vaishnav,
General Secretary
Day: (973)562-3298
Eve: (732)603-7740
Shyam Tiwari,
National Coordinator Public Relations and Media
Day: (770)752-3358
Eve: (770)232-0939