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Bija (Seed) Mantras

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Bija (Seed) Mantras

Seeds hold within them the fruit of a full-grown tree, similarly bija, or seed, mantras hold within them shakti (spiritual potency or energy), There are different seed mantras, each with their own shakti. It is told in the Vedas that the first primordial sound produced at the time of creation of the universe was the "OM" mantra. It is the original sound. In Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter 10 verse 25, Krishna says,"of vibrations of Om", also in chapter 7 verse 8 " the syllable Om in the vedic mantras". Again in chapter 17 verse 24, " Thus the transcendentalists undertake sacrifices, charities and penance, beginning always with Om, to attain the Supreme". This most important seed mantra is almost always found to be preceding the words used in various mantras. There are other seed mantras which are used and especially by young children as they can easily repeat them with enthusiasm, being as short as one or two syllables. Some examples are as follows:-

1. Kshasraum This is the bija of Narasimha (half-man/ half-lion incarrnation of Vishnu)./It makes your fearless and happy.
2. Shri This is Lakshmi bija, for material prosperity.
3. Kalim This is the Kamraj bija which is said to fulfill desires.
4. Aim This is Saraswati bija, to become learned in all forms of knowledge.
5. Dum This is Durga bija, again for fulfilling material desires.
6. Harim This is Bhuvaneshvari bija, also called Maya bija, for becoming a leader and fulfilling desires for power.
7. Krim This is a Kali bija, for destruction of your enemy.
8. Gam Galaum This is Ganesha bija, for removing obstacles and gaining success in all endeavours.
9. Lam This is Pritvi bija (mother earth) for raising productive agricultural products.
10. Yam This is Vayu bija (demigod of wind) for bringing sufficient rain.
11. Aam This is a Brahma bija
12. Um This is Vishnu bija
13. Ram This is Rudra bija

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Published on: 2004-07-05 (8348 reads)

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